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Wow The Action was great. But other Than that wtf why is Master chief A girlSmackin-Noobs
Its a Halo Spartan, not THE halo spartan.. its the girl who made the cameo for DOA.
Master cheif is his rank, Master chief petty officer
Spartens work in teams of 4, this is never taken into account (johns team is blue team)
Several other spartens are alive.
There are also 270ish sparten 3's around. (John is a sparten 2)
But I don't see why samus and ANY sparten would fight. This movie illistrates that perfectly.
[QUOTE="HatFried"][QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"][QUOTE="Fruity_Fantasy"]That wasn't the Chief cause he is a guy named John Spartan-117. I read the novels cause they got good reviews not cause I enjoyed the Halo games.
yeah and that John Spartan-117 was the strongest of all the other spartans and the only survivor, so they titled him as the Master Chief!!! Maybe they'll explain the whole plot on Halo 3!!! I can't wait :D !!!!!!!!!!
John Spartan?!
Anyone having a flashback to that movie Demolition Man? Maybe Halo 3 will have MC outrunning a fireball in a cryocon facility.
:lol: I love that movie.
Me too! Wesley Snipes was great in that movie.[QUOTE="callmewaffle"]Someone's been watching too much advent children.Dreams-Visions
More Matrix than Advent Children.
Sure, there were some direct cuts from Matrix, but it was definetely alot more like AC.
I quote "halo The fall of reach" (Dr Hasly talking to cortana) "John was niethe the strongest or the smartest but be was the best, and the luckiest". redstormrisen
that's usually what it takes to become a legend.
The scene where Master Chief uses his shotgun to kill all those aliens is awesome! Seriously other than the fact that MC is a girl its excellent. Somehow dunno why the Master Chief sequence with the shotgun reminded me of Cloud's Limitbreak Omnislash or Squall's lionheart.haris12121212
I'm seeing A LOT of stupid farking questions and comments in this thread.. so ...
The creator knows all about halo and master chief. He just wanted to spice it up a bit. And even I was shocked that he made master chief a girl.. SINCE when master chief first see's samus is a hot blonde, you can see the 'spark' around his genitals flash, meaning he got a woody. But that was misleading, and was meant to mean 'she got wet' cuz samus is a hot biatch. And master chief LET SAMUS WIN, after her suit was destroyed, cuz she didn't want to hurt the hot blonde, as you can see, when she drops the plasma sword and takes the direct hit from samus.
Added note
Matrix effects are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out dated and overused.
// i liked the dance off after the credits at the very end...
///i know i should be shot.
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